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Your Association is delighted to announce that our scholarship and educational program is ready to award more scholarships!  Now, all we need are some qualified applicants!  Please help us spread the word to your club’s members that this membership benefit is available to them.

Over $1,600 is available to be awarded this year.  Scholarships may be awarded at any time so that we can help students with second semester classes or summer field trips.  This means that we might run out of scholarship funds, so qualified students should apply as soon as possible.

Scholarships can be awarded to members of our clubs and to their children and grandchildren. Neither financial need nor academic excellence is required to win one of these scholarships.  Instead, the emphasis is on helping those who have been active in our clubs who want to study related subjects.

Scholarships must be used to study earth and planetary sciences or a related subject after the first year in college.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact either of your club’s representatives to the Association or Brad Weatherbie (assocweb_info@weatherbie.com).

For more details, please download and read these rules:  GSLAESC Scholarship Rules

and this information for this year's program:  GSLAESC Scholarship Forms

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