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Officers & Directors Minimize

Association Officers

President: Brad Weatherbie
Vice President: Roy Hurlburt
Secretary: Faye Leahr
Treasurer: Jerry Kubat


Association Board of Directors

Eastern Missouri Society for Paleontology
Faye Leahr
Mike Leahr

Rock Hobby Club of Greater St. Louis
Roy Hurlburt
John Macke

St. Louis Mineral & Gem Society
Brad Weatherbie
Chris Braught

Show Me Gems & Minerals Club
Philip Newell
Gerald Kubat

Announcements Minimize
Donations Needed for Scholarship Fund - Monday, February 19, 2024

Donations of rock-related materials to our show's boutique are welcome & needed! Funds raised will support our scholarship fund. Send us a note at if you have something to donate.

Our scholarship fund helps college students take earth science-related classes. We've got over $1,500 available this year.

Events Minimize
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